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Mark Dawson with James Blatch: Best-Selling Indie Author and Rookie Novelist team up to talk Self Publishing with key players in the industry.

Jul 30, 2021

She was a New York Times bestseller with successful trad deals. So why did Gail Carriger make to switch to full-indie?

Jul 23, 2021

Suffering from a case of dry and stodgy characters? It's time to meet the Dialogue Doctor.

Jul 16, 2021

BookLab is back! Three industry experts give Machelle Hanleigh advice on how to improve sales of her Paranormal Romance novel.

Jul 9, 2021

Book Brush is known for its easy-to-use artwork templates. Now authors can build their own book trailers, too.

Jul 2, 2021

With the industry in flux, Jane Freidman discusses what trad publishing is doing to keep up with the changes.